
zaterdag, april 17, 2004

Geluk Goed nieuws! Vanaf je 42e levensjaar word je langzamerhand weer gelukkiger: 'People start out in life pretty certain that they're going to end up like David Beckham or win the Nobel Prize,' says Oswald. 'Then, after a few years, they discover it's quite tough out there - not just in their careers, but in life. Unsurprisingly, their happiness drops.' The good news is that the downer doesn't last. According to Oswald, if you trace the trajectory of most peoples' happiness over time it resembles a J-curve. People typically record high satisfaction levels in their early twenties. These then fall steadily towards middle age, before troughing at around 42. Most of us then grow steadily happier as we get older, with those in their sixties expressing the highest satisfaction levels of all - as long, that is, as they stay healthy. Ook heel vermeldenswaard is dat er een heuse Rotterdamse wetenschapper in het artikel wordt geciteerd: At first glance, Erasmus University doesn't look like the sort of place you'd go to study gaiety. Located in a grim suburb of Rotterdam, the campus is dominated by a series of brutal tower blocks of the kind favoured by inner-city planners in the Seventies. But Erasmus University is at the centre of a fascinating project to map changes in the well-being of nations - a project whose results suggest that happiness may be determined as much by the environment as by inherited characteristics. De hele lap tekst vind je hier. Met dank aan boingboing.
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